HRN 482: Bill Me!
It’s a Bill! HR 4006 is the official House Bill that contains the Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness Act (wait… does that mean we’re all Preppers now?).
This is the bill that… if it makes it all the way into law… will give hams in HOA neighborhoods substantial relief from HOA rules prohibiting or severely limiting outdoor antennas. But it’s a long way between now and law.
Without much other official action, East Coast Host Gary K4AAQ spent some time comparing the current bill with its predecessor from last December, and found only one minor revision in one paragraph that didn’t seem to change the meaning. Then, because we’ve all forgotten what was in the Bill, he reviewed the high points. About halfway through, West Coast Host David W0DHG got home from his Father’s Day dinner and joined the party. They immediately went off topic for a while, then finished the review, and conducted a random bull session.
BTW, no Promo, so you didn’t miss it.
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