HRN 399: N2RJ for Hudson Division Director

Ria Jairam N2RJ joins Gary and myself to discuss her announced plans to run for Hudson Division Director.  Ria has a lot of Amateur Radio experience and a great perspective on how to Make the ARRL Great Again!  Please check our show out and if you know someone in the Hudson division talk to them about Ria, she would be a great change.  You can find out more about Ria at the following sites: 




(Oh yeah, sound is hard...  There is an echo for the first 15 minutes or so, but then I fixed it)

HRN 398: Guess Who's Back

It's been a while, I've had a busy month, and a few issues getting guests, but I decided it's time to do a show, and I am trying out a sidekick (because several of you asked for one)… I hope you enjoy!

HRN 396: Field Radio Podcast

John Jacobs W7DBO from the Field Radio Podcast is my guest. We talk about his podcast, podcasting and how he got involved with HamRadio360. John builds awesome custom go boxes (  John and I discuss our experinces producing content for the internet about Ham Radio and Field Day! 


HRN 395: Baker To Vegas 2018

A combination show: On the road to the race, an interview with John Rosica KA2FND of NVIS Communications, and raw video from the race at Stage #9. It's a little rough copy, but you are hams, hopefully you can pull the good stuff out of the noise. Doing sound in the field is apparently hard... I am getting some equipment to make it better in the future. 

HRN 394: Radio Relay International

David W0DHG talks to Jim Wades WB8SWI and Joe Ames W3JY of Radio Relay International about the organization, it's beginnings, how it works, and why. Radio Relay International can be found at

I hope you enjoy!


The Audio version will be included next week....

HRN 393: Tech 'Enhanced'; Lisenco on the Hudson; What's Next

The Hudson Division Webinar, in full:

In Episode 393, Gary KN4AQ plays several 'highly edited' clips from the February 2018 ARRL Hudson Division 'Town Hall' webinar audio. His goal was to condense several comments made by ARRL Hudson Division Director Mike Lisenco N2YBB into 'listenable' sound bites, without changing Lisenco's intent or losing context.

This is the webinar audio in its entirety. The only thing edited out is about 15 minutes of technical prep at the beginning as they got things working. You'll still hear a few minutes of the guys getting things ready, but there are some interesting remarks in that time. After that, there are no edits, nothing rearranged or deleted. The primary speaker is ARRL Hudson Division Director Mike Lisenco N2YBB. You'll hear several other voices from ARRL officials in the Division and its Sections, and some Q&A from webinar listeners.

The source of that audio is this web site:  'Milen' is Milen Bourilkov KG2C. Thanks to Milen for recording the audio from the webinar. Unfortunately, Mike Lisenco had a very loud hum on his microphone. Gary ran it through noise reduction in Adobe Audition, so in this copy you'll only hear a few artifacts left over. There are a few spots where Mike spoke softly. The original audio left his voice obscured by hum, and the 'noise reduced' version is just difficult to understand in those few spots.

And here are the clips that Gary edited:

HRN 392: Yuma ARES and Agency Relationships

Curmudgeon hams will rant about how professional Emcomm agencies see no value in ham radio. And in some areas that's true.

The ARES forum from the Yuma AZ Hamfest - Roozy Moabery W1EH, ARRL DEC for part of the sprawling Los Angeles area, talks about how hams there have created a great working relationship with their served agencies.

This is a slide-show talk, but the slides are all text headlines for the topics Roozy covers, so the RADIO RATING is still A.

HRN 391: ARRL Director Dick Norton N6AA at the Yuma AZ Hamfest

Dick Norton N6AA, the ARRL SW Division Director, is at the center of the dust-up (Firestorm?) at the ARRL Board of Directors. He's the director who was censured in a special Board Meeting last fall for what the Board said were inappropriate comments at the Visalia DX convention the previous spring. He's also the Director that Hudson Division Director Mike Lisenco N2YBB said was partly responsible for a 'toxic environment' at the League. Lisenco's comments came during a Hudson Division web Town Hall in early 2018, with a link from this discussion. (Note that the audio recording of that webinar is pretty bad, but it's also pretty interesting if you can tough it out.)

In this episode, Dick Norton discussed his censure and the ARRL Board Code of Conduct at the ARRL Forum at the Yuma AZ Hamfest in February. HamRadioNow's host David Goldenberg W0DHG recorded the session.

Radio Rating: A

HRN 390: Huntsville Hamfest Update, Live from Orlando

Mark Brown N4BCD is the new chairman of the Huntsville Hamfest. A little birdie (named Michael Kalter) told him to cross the street and talk to that Gary guy for some free publicity, so we caught up on the latest from what's probably the #3 fest in the US after Dayton and Orlando.

Mark takes over after the passing of Charlie Emerson N4OKL, who we described as "the benevolent dictator of the Huntsville Hamfest" back in HamRadioNow Episode 29


HRN 389: The ZED (and a Dayton Update), Live from Orlando

Sunday morning was the 'drop-by' time for HamRadioNow, apparently. Gary looked up from the laptop where he was working on the HRN website to see founder Fred Lloyd AA7BQ standing there. So of course, let's do a show!

We just got started when the Dayton Hamvention's media guy Michael Kalter W8CI walked by. Both Michael and Fred were time-limited (wrong show, guys), but they generously gave us what they could, and probably a little more. Thanks!


HRN 388: Florida Spectrum Management, Live from Orlando

The full title is Florida Amateur Spectrum Management Assn., or FASMA.

Last year, Bryan Fields W9CR led a coalition of dissatisfied repeater owners and members of the Florida Repeater Council in a successful effort to take control of that organization. There was some conflict, but eventually Bryan's group prevailed. They changed the name to reflect a broader focus, and re-incorporated. Now they have to make good on their pledge to provide better coordination service. Bryan explains how.

Radio Rating: A.

HRN 387: The YL Show, Live from Orlando

The call signs are: WA4YL, AC4YL and AG4YL. So what do you think this show might be about? Dawn, Catherine and Melanie had just given the YL Forum at Orlando, and Gary invited them to keep going on the show.


HRN 386: Bruce Perens K6BP, Alive from Orlando

Bruce Perens K6BP. Pretty sure we don't need to say any more.


HRN 385: HamCation TOUR 2018, Live from Orlando

Gary takes you on a video tour of the Orlando HamCation, Sorry, the video is jumpy, but you'll get the idea.

Then we get a surprise guest in the SIB. Fan of the show N1LGQ stopped by to chat, and we put him on the air.

RADIO RATING: B. Even though the TOUR is video, Gary narrates it on-camera pretty well. 

Facebook LIVE Extra from Orlando

Kyle Krieg N0KTK had a beef with Gary, and he expressed it in the HamRadioNow Facebook Group (or maybe it was YouTube.. we get confused). Gary wasn't going to record an 'On the Road' to Orlando, and Kyle was going to 'give him crap' about that, in person.

So of course when Kyle shows up at the SIB*, Gary pushed the Facebook LIVE button and they had a short... OK, 70 minute  wide-ranging discussion.

We didn't make a YouTube video for this, but you can see it on FACEBOOK. We did rip the audio for the podcast:


*Studio In a Booth

HRN 384: AMSAT Update, Live from Orlando

New AMSAT President Joe Spier K6WAO joins Gary for a wide-ranging discussion of all things AMSAT.

RADIO RATING: A. Nothing to see here. Move along (and play the audio).

HRN 383 Live from Orlando

Jason Johnston KC5HWB from HamRadio2.0 helps Gary inaugurate the first LIVE broadcast from a hamfest - the Orlando HamCation. Gary built a new version of the SIB (Studio In a Booth) with webcams and live switching on his laptop. It sort of worked.

HRN 382: West Coast Studio: Kicking the Tires

David W0DHG is putting up a short (30 minute) episode test, along with an on the road interview with host emeritus Gary Pearce KN4AQ.

HRN 381: Digital Voice 2008

From the archives of Amateur Radio//Video News...

Digital Voice for Amateur Radio was the most complex of the three documentaries that HamRadioNow's Gary Pearce KN4AQ produced for DVD, before starting the online show. In 2007, Gary traveled to Alabama and Dallas in one trip, Chicago and St. Louis in another, and Washington DC in a third to gather interviews and footage of what was then just emerging as Digital Voice systems for Amateur Radio. The program was edited and released on DVD in 2008.

The DV modes for HF included a hardware modem from AOR and a software/sound card system called WinDRM (which evolved to today's FreeDV). The VHF/UHF modes in use then were D-STAR and P-25

Of course, these modes have evolved since this program was produced, and newer modes like DMR, Yaesu System Fusion, and NXDN have been developed. Consider this program a snapshot in the early history of Amateur Radio Digital Voice. It's certainly not a current tutorial on operating those modes today.

Here are our two other ARVN documentaries:

And some more D-STAR history:

Radio Rating: C- at best. This was a video documentary, and while there is a lot of talking, most of the pictures you're missing are equipment in operation, locations, and a few graphics. You'll miss a lot, but since there's so much information, you'll learn a lot, too. [The Radio Rating is our estimate of how much you'll get from the program audio without the video. It's not a rating of the overall program. Those are always A+]

Here's a related QLOG entry...