The Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness Act (don’t call it ‘Parity Act 2.0) is about to be introduced in the new Congress. What is it? How did we get here? Where will it go and how will it get there?
John Robert Stratton N5AUS and Fred Hopengarten K1VR were two members of the ARRL Legislative Advocacy Committee that drafted the bill from the ashes of the Parity Act, starting in 2019. They found a sponsor in Congressman Bill Johnson (R-OH), and worked with his staff to refine the language of the Bill (it didn’t need much). It was introduced at the end of the previous Congress just last December so the Committee could start rounding up co-sponsors. Sometime soon after the new Congress gets itself organized, the Bill will be reintroduced. And then begins the process that any Bill faces to work its way though Subcommittees, the full Committee (House Energy and Commerce), the House, and then the Senate. We have two years to get it done. The clock is ticking.
At some point soon, the League will start asking you to contact your Representatives, and maybe donate some cash to offset the lobbying expenses. That’s coming up, but not yet. We’ll be back. Watch this space.
UPDATE: 1-17-2023. I’ve just added time-code reference notes to the YouTube video for each subject we discussed in the show. Thanks to Jeff N4POD for the tip on how to do that. It’s too labor-intensive to do for all the shows (volunteer effort, anyone?), but I felt it was important for this show - Gary K4AAQ