HRN Special: Digital Voice 2023 (VHF/UHF Edition)

The 90 minute version

East Coast Host Gary K4AAQ presented a forum on Digital Voice for VHF/UHF 2023 at the Charlotte Hamfest in March. Gary ‘inherited’ the forum from Roland Kraatz W9HPX, who became a Silent Key the previous December. Gary put in too many hours making ‘too many PowerPoint slides’ to just do a one-hour forum, so he recorded this Special Edition for HamRadioNow.

The 15 minute version

This version clocks in at about 90 minutes. Gary had to cut a lot of the slides he worked so hard to create to bring his talk down to an hour, so he put some of them back in for this version. Then, just for those of you with limited time, he took a digital axe to the whole thing and chopped it down to 15 minutes. It isn’t pretty, but the essential elements are there. Maybe.

The Original Documentary

We’re also presenting Gary’s original 2008 documentary Digital Voice for Amateur Radio, which includes his investigation of D-STAR and P-25, and the original DV mode for HF. Somehow all that is squeezed into less time than his slide show.

Audio podcast listeners are being treated only to the 90 minute slide show. If you want to see the truncated version, or the documentary, here’s the link to the web site:

HRN 469: Fallow Communications Commission

There’s no Promo(re), just the show

The FCC has been MIA for some time in ham radio. RMs (Requests for Rulemaking) and a couple of NPRMs (Notices of Proposed Rulemaking) have been dormant for up to 10 years! We look at some of the important ones, and some that are important only to the guy who proposed them.

If you want to make comments on any RM or NPRM, review any of the proceedings (read the comments), or file one yourself (please don’t), this is the place:

HRN 468: Way Too Much PowerPoint 😮

East Coast Host Gary K4AAQ is working on a slide deck for a hamfest talk next weekend (Charlotte Hamfest - see him live at 9 am Saturday, March 12). The topic is Digital Voice - VHF/UHF edition. Gary’s still working on the slides. He’s in the 70s. A good PowerPoint talk has maybe 30 slides, tops, say the experts. Do we have a problem? What do they know?

West Coast Host David W0DHG is the audience as Gary rehearses the talk. At the one hour point,
Gary was in the 60s. So close? We’ll watch the playback to see how it paces. David tried hard not to fall asleep.

HRN 467: Ode to a Decibel

A decibel is 1/10 of a Bel. By rights, this should be 1/10 of a show, but it’s at least 1/3. So bonus.

We did it again! NO AUDIO for the first 3:45, so slide on down.

Well, at least we didn’t resort to an Ask Me Anything 🙄. Instead, Jim NO1PC and David W0DHG scraped Gary K4AAQ’s Facebook feed for Elmer questions that he answered in his usual “here’s how to build a clock” complexity. Or not! The dB answer was an attempt to simplify, to explain decibels without any math. Almost no math. Because Gary doesn’t know the math. He does it all by remembering 3 dB and 10 dB. Everything else slides between those two markers.

Then there’s a dual band antenna mystery to solve, some background on just how unique your call sign is, and a review of tone decode. All with a low grade fever.

HNN 466: A Few 'Minutes' with the ARRL Board


The PROMO (not quite a proMORE

Welcome to Ham Nation Now (apparently)*

Even here in 2023, most ARRL Directors are not noted for frequent appearances on the ‘independent’ ham media. Mike Ritz W7VO, however, got swept onto YouTube as he addressed a radio club to discuss the January ARRL Board meeting, and the special meeting dealing with Ria Jairam N2RJ’s book issue. Mike found Ria ‘guilty as charged’. Ria joins us to review Mike’s video and dispute much of what he said.

Then we move on to review some other items of interest from the Board meeting: Field Day rules; more HQ oversight of Section Managers; steps to deal with the statistic that only 25% of newly licensed Amateur Radio operators will utilize their licenses on a regular basis; promoting operation on 10 and 6 meters; and the ghost of Code of Conduct.

And just as we crossed the 2-hour mark. the Internet crashed at Gary’s studio - no Zoom guests, no live stream (‘emergency maintenance at Comporium Cable’s fiber system). So we were done!

*Ham Nation Now? Well, that’s what Mike Ritz W7VO kept calling us. Maybe we need to say our name more often.


  • Here’s the video with Mike Ritz W7VO:

HRN 465: A Bouvet Valentine ♥

The 3Y0J Bouvet DXpedition is over, a couple of weeks early. It was disappointing for all concerned - hams who wanted an All Time New One, the big-gun DXers who still needed the island to climb the higher rungs of the DXCC list, and probably most of all for the guys on… or near the island. Weather and rough seas prevented all but the most minimal operation, mostly cw and FT8 on 30 and 17 meters. Almost no SSB.

The big disappointment for us, though, was the behavior of far too many hams on the air and on the DX spotting web sites. Jamming, bootlegging and DIY ham police (and plenty of rookie operating errors) made the operation sound bad on the air. And on the clusters, lots of mostly anonymous comments that ran from snide to mean. Hmm. Aren’t we better than that?

Yeah, there was a lot of money involved. That’s nothing compared to the risk the crew took to get on the island at all. Maybe if your HRN hosts were more committed DXers, we’d feel your pain. We’re not. It’s not that big a deal for us. But we’re thinking it probably shouldn’t be for you. Be disappointed. Don’t be an ass about it.

Here’s our ‘airing of grievances’.

HRN 464: Superbowl Weekend Filler

No Sunday night show this weekend because 🏈 (only the ‘Big Game’ takes us off… usually we ignore football). But we have bits and pieces. And the weekend’s not over (it’s Saturday afternoon as I - Gary - type this, so who knows?). Hopefully this will tide you over until the next big show.

But for now… I was on the phone with my original ham radio mentor from way back in the early 60’s. Back then he was Bob K9ZGT. Today he goes by his middle name, Winston (or Win), but to me he’ll always be Broken Old Bottles Bob. We talk about our early days a bit and what he’s been through. One of the chat room comments was ‘He’s an interesting guy’ - and so he is.

Then I booted up the studio, hoping Kyle could find some bandwidth down in Orlando (his phone is struggling) for a live shot. Hasn’t happened yet. We’ll be back if he can do it. Meanwhile, David popped up while working on his ARES group’s emcom trailer, so we get a quick tour. It’s pretty visual, but it’s on the podcast feed, too.

HRN 463: The China Balloon (and Ham Radio?)

This is the PROMOre

Bill Brown WB8ELK started launching near-space ham radio balloons in 1987. I think he can tell us more about this balloon from China than we’re getting from CNN. Joining Bill is Todd McKinney KN4TPG, a Masters student in Atmospheric Science at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. Todd got interested in HAB (High Altitude Ballooning), and got his ham license so he could fly balloons with APRS and WSPR transmitters. Together they have insights on the Balloon from China that you won’t hear in the mainstream media. And then we talk about what’s happening on the balloon front in ham radio.


Bill’s website:

Bill’s YouTube channel:

HRN 462: Angry Radio Relay League

Our guest is Ria Jairam N2RJ, podcaster, YouTuber and Director of the ARRL Hudson Division. Ria’s kind of getting picked on at the ARRL (our words, not hers). She tells us about that trouble and a division in the ranks of the Board falling along lines of transparency vs secrecy. We’ve heard that before when a Board Code of Conduct tried to silence Directors who disagreed with policy passed by the board. Listen to Ria’s take. Ask your Director to explain what’s happening. That might be interesting.

Harry Potter and the Eight Watt BaoFeng

In Episode 461, Glam Ham Natalie Gray NW6S revealed that she was one of the writers for the upcoming blockbuster video game Hogwarts Legacy. Gary K4AAQ jumped on the idea of introducing Ham Radio into the Harry Potter inspired project, because that’s what we always do.

Later, Gary felt the need to hammer the point home by creating a scene we wish we’d seen in the movies, and we present it for your consideration (but probably not Natalie’s 🙄).

Hogwarts Legacy, it turns out, won’t have any Harry Potter or Lord Voldemort in it anyway. Or BaoFeng radios. The game is set in the late 1800’s. So it could have some Spark Gap. Maybe Marconi can turn out to be a Wizard.

Our little play is audio only because we don’t have a movie set. And it’s ‘vertical’ because we produced it for our new TIK TOK channel. Yep, we have one of those now. What else might go there? Who knows.

HRN 459: (Almost) In the Zoom Where it Happened - Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness Act

The Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness Act (don’t call it ‘Parity Act 2.0) is about to be introduced in the new Congress. What is it? How did we get here? Where will it go and how will it get there?

John Robert Stratton N5AUS and Fred Hopengarten K1VR were two members of the ARRL Legislative Advocacy Committee that drafted the bill from the ashes of the Parity Act, starting in 2019. They found a sponsor in Congressman Bill Johnson (R-OH), and worked with his staff to refine the language of the Bill (it didn’t need much). It was introduced at the end of the previous Congress just last December so the Committee could start rounding up co-sponsors. Sometime soon after the new Congress gets itself organized, the Bill will be reintroduced. And then begins the process that any Bill faces to work its way though Subcommittees, the full Committee (House Energy and Commerce), the House, and then the Senate. We have two years to get it done. The clock is ticking.

At some point soon, the League will start asking you to contact your Representatives, and maybe donate some cash to offset the lobbying expenses. That’s coming up, but not yet. We’ll be back. Watch this space.

UPDATE: 1-17-2023. I’ve just added time-code reference notes to the YouTube video for each subject we discussed in the show. Thanks to Jeff N4POD for the tip on how to do that. It’s too labor-intensive to do for all the shows (volunteer effort, anyone?), but I felt it was important for this show - Gary K4AAQ

HRN 459 PROMO: (Almost) In the Zoom Where It Happened (AR Emergency Prep Act)

This is the PROMO for Sunday’s live episode 459. Gary’s clever title is (Almost) In the Zoom Where It Happened, ‘It’ is the Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness Act, the new iteration of legislation to require HOAs to permit Amateur Radio antennas. We reviewed the version of the Act that was introduced in December in our last episode. This time, our guests will be two of the hams who were on the ARRL committee that drafted the new bill.

Tune in to the LIVE stream on Sunday, January 15, 2023 at 7 pm Pacific, 10 pm Eastern, 0300Z (Monday morning). Or watch the replay later.

HRN 458 PROMO (Don't Call It Parity 2.0) and HOMEWORK!

This is the Promo

This is the Homework!

This is just a Promo(re), but it’s here in the feed by itself because the show hasn’t been scheduled yet… and this gets the audio podcast out there, too.

There’s a new Bill in Congress: H.R.9670, the Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness Act. We’ve been told “Don’t call it the Parity Act 2.0 because branding. But yeah, it kinda is.

If you want all the background, listen to the ProMore. Then do the homework, which is watching an old episode of HamRadioNow: HRN 342: It Ain't Parity Until We Say It's Parity. Taking notes is optional. Yes, this will be on the ‘final’.

HRN 457: Get With the Program(ming)

Our guest is Karin Thompson KD4DXX, owner and General Manager of RT Systems Inc., the radio programming people. We only spent about 2½ hours talking to Karin, then the post-show with David and Marty. So one, we were making up for no show last week. And two, most of your favorite shows are doing reruns or ‘best ofs’ or ‘Year in Reviews’. Here we are with enough show to keep you entertained all week.