HRN 447: QBC*?

*Don’t look it up… you won’t find it. Host Gary K4AAQ and his friend Jeff AC4ZO (SK) made it up during some previous HamRadioNow show. QBC? means (according to them) “Are we in the middle of a Boring Conversation”?. And QBC (no question mark) means “We are in the middle of a boring conversation. Terminate immediately”.

BUT… that’s not what we talked about this week. We got a last minute guest: Kay Savetz K6KJN is the Program Manager, Special Collections at the Internet Archive, home of the Wayback Machine that has been collecting old websites since about the dawn of time.

Kay is charged with collecting pretty much any media about Amateur Radio that he can get people to send. With a loose definition of ‘media’. For example, if you have an old log book from your Novice days (like Gary does), Kay wants it. Plus podcasts, YouTube videos. Funded by a grant from ARDC.

If you have something to contribute, drop Kay a line at:


HRN 447: QBC*?
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