HRN 451: New Rig... Who Dis?

The ICOM ID-5100 was first released in 2015, 7 years ago. It’s still ICOM’s top-of-the-line dual-band D-STAR mobile rig. East Coast Host Gary K4AAQ just bought one to replace his 14-year-old ICOM IC-2820 (also a dual-band, D-STAR mobile), which was having trouble decoding D-STAR signals.

In this episode, Gary shows how he had to revamp his Q-Mobile’s control panel to fit the oversize control head of the 5100, then goes remote all the way to the garage (below the Studio in the Bonus Room) to demonstrate a few features (and issues) with the New Rig.

And so you may have noticed that this episode is only an hour and 15 minutes long. Are we welching on you guys? Not really! Earlier in the day, David and Gary did a 3-hour ‘PROMORE’ (a ‘promore’, apparently, is a new word invented to describe our extended promos that are often full-length shows themselves). You’ll find the Promore on YouTube and in the audio feed, just in case you need more… PROmore.

HRN 451 New Rig, Who Dis?
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