HRN 425: AnyTone AT-D878UVII Plus - 2nd Look

Slide in about 5 minutes to skip the silent ‘testing’ period

The AnyTone AT-D878UVII Plus and the 578 mobile version are often cited as the ‘Best DMR radios in Amateur Radio. DMR - Digital Mobile Radio - in ham radio has progressed from the strictly commercial radios that were first brought into the amateur service to several lines and models designed to be ‘real’ ham radios, with features and operation more like the Icom, Kenwood, Yaesu and Alinco radios that we’ve been using for decades.

But how close did they come? Are they ‘real’ ham radios? And what is a ‘real’ ham radio, anyway?

Over the course of a swift 🙄 two hours, David W0DHG, Jim NO1PC and returning host Gary K4AAQ (yes, a slightly new call sign) review the pros and cons and make some comparisons.

The bottom line: let’s just say they do not agree.

David W0DHG, Jim NO1PC, Gary K4AAQ
HRN 425: AnyTone AT-D878UVII Plus - 2nd Look
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