HRN 476: Back to Bouvet
/Adrian Ciuperca KO8SCA returns to HamRadioNow’s David W0DHG, Jim NO1PC and Gary K4AAQ with some awesome video of the voyage to and operation on Bouvet Island back in February, and a Powerpoint presentation with all the details you’ve been wondering about.
In the ProMorePlus (a new show category that Gary invented and may never be heard from again, and perhaps just a ploy to slow down the rapidly accumulating episode count), Gary K4AAQ did a product review – something we rarely do on HamRadioNow, apparently for good reason. Not a new or unobtaniumly new radio… just a lowly ‘FBI’ style headset for his HT. He gets mixed results. He also discovers an old (1980s era) DX Magazine article about a DXpedition that came under ‘enemy fire’ while trying to land their ship (in the wrong place). The ProMorePlus is only on YouTube and Facebook video – it’s not in the audio podcast… sorry.
3Y0J Bouvet DXpedition YouTube Channel (includes the long version of the video we played in tonight’s show, but without Adrian’s narration 😐)
HRN 454: Bouvet by Sailboat? (our first chat with Adrian about the DXpedition)
DX Magazine “Disaster at Spratley” from 1983 (Gary was reading from this article in the ProMorePlus)
QST Editorial: “Bouvet — A Very Tough Teacher” (David A. Minster, NA2AA, ARRL Chief Executive Officer, ruminates in his column about the safety of these extreme DXpeditions, and how we might think different about them)