HRN 415: FCC Reallocation Proposal 3/5GHz

Andre Hansen K6AH, David Erickson KB5UGF and Jim Aspinwall NO1PC join David W0DHG to discuss the SPECTRUM DEFENSE and proposed changes to the 3GHz and 5GHz bands. These changes will affect current ARDEN networks across the nation. Below are links referenced in the show. Please remember before you response, make sure it's professional and to the point. And please reach out to your served agencies and representatives.




HRN 406: Woolsey Fire and Ham Radio

Ben Kuo AI6YR visits in studio with David W0DHG to talk about how Ham Radio played a part in the recent Woolsey Fire in Southern California. Over 90,000 acres and 1400 structures, and 3 lives were lost

HRN 401: AREDN Inc.

Randy Smith WU2S joins David and Darren AJ6BL to talk about Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network.

Links from this episode: 


AREDN Baker to Vegas:

Trevor’s Bench”


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HRN 400: Gary's Top 10 Episodes

Gary joins David to reminisce about his favorite 10 episodes. Some good stuff here.  

Top Ten: (counting down in an order that Gary carefully selected)

10 - HRN 82: Dipole 33k views! Woohoo. Jeff AC4ZO, Bobbie KD4ZVW (a rare appearance), Cyndi KN4AQ and Gary build and hang a simple dipole at Jeff's QTH.

9 - HRN 288: Amodeo Unplugged. Gary's loooong interview with Last Man Standing Executive Producer John Amodeo NN6JA, as the show completes its 5th season (thus insuring a long life in syndicated reruns). They talk TV, and a little ham radio. Of course, the show (with John) has new life on the Fox network.

8 - HRN 359, EmComm Extra #18: Force of Two. David and Gary talk to Jeremy Dougherty NS0S and Michael Smith N5TGL about their experience in Puerto Rico as part of the ARRL "Force of Fifty" – not quite the story ARRL was telling.

7 - HRN 76: HamRadioNow Visits the KH6HME Hawaiian Beacon. Gary visits the legendary KH6HME Hawaiian Beacon on the side of the Mauna Loa volcano.

6 - HRN 345: Appliance Boy meets Circuit Girl. Gary nervously interviews silicon valley legend Jeri Ellsworth AI6TK and Jeri's friend Amy Hendron KM6FZE at the close of the 2017 TAPR DCC.

5 - Episode 152: Friday Night BS #1 (and HRN 209: BS #4 - Goodbye, Bill. WA6ITF, SK,) Gary was hoping to enlist the legendary Bill Pasternack WA6ITF, co-founder of Newsline, in a series of Bull Sessions on HamRadioNow. Unfortunately, that run ended at 3 when Bill passed away. In Bull Session #4, a group of Bill's friends and Newsline contributors came together to reminisce and pay respects.

4 - HRN 315: Do NOT Call CQ on Repeaters (Click Bait). A Reddit thread led to Gary's video essay on repeater etiquete.

3 - HRN 161: Yaesu's System (Con)Fusion. The title was more inflamatory than the video (and the name caught on some in ham-land). Gary demonstrates Yaesu's new digital voice mode with radios he was reviewing for QST, and then friends from the Charlotte Digital Group help him with a totally unscientific comparison of D-STAR, DMR, Fusion and P-25.

2 - ALL of the On The Road videos (lumped together). Who would have thought that long videos of a camera pointed out the window of Gary's Q-Mobile, driving cross country while Gary alternately monologs about ham radio and operates various bands and modes, would be really popular. But they were, and always received requests for more. The longest trip was from North Carolina to Seattle, Washington. There's a YouTube Playlist on the HRN YouTube channel that has all (most?) of the On The Road episodes:

1 – HRN 2, Part 2 – AMSAT (Lou McFadden W5DID – Working model of ARISS 1)


Honorable Mention (in no particular order)

Ham Radio Now Episode 1 - Orlando HamCation (starting after the terrible tack-on extra introduction)

HRN 270: Emcomm Extra - Hurricane Matthew Edition – David's First Show on HamRadioNow.

HRN 342: It Ain't Parity Until We Say It's Parity (on Ham Radio Now)

HRN 258: 5 Watt Field Day (or... Field of Beams) on HamRadioNow

HRN 182: World's Best Hobby - Dave Bell W6AQ (SK) on HamRadioNow

HRN 144 Part ONE - ARISS to the MAX - the CONTACT! (all 4 parts). A rural NC school has a great ARISS contact, and the participants dissect it in detail. Part Four is Gary's 1992 'documentary' of an early SAREX contact that his home club, the Raleigh Amateur Radio Society, conducted.

HRN 136: CQ Magazine Update ('What the heck?'). CQ Magazine Editor Rich Moseson W2VU talks to Gary about the magazine's trouble publishing on time.

HRN 132-1: My Stupid Plan for 60 Meters, Part One (and part two). On second thought, this doesn't belong here! But it's kind of fun.

HRN 100: Big Whoop! (Just for Gary's Rush impression at the beginning)

HRN 91: AmateurLogicTV (The George & Tommy Show). Gary corners George and Tommy at the Huntsville Hamfest.

HRN 80: ARRL President Kay Craigie N3KN 'Meets the Press'. Kay agreed to come by the HRn booth at Dayton for an interview. Little did she know Gary would take her prisoner.

HRN 69: Last Ham Standing (Review of Last Man Standing). Included because Gary had to fight Fox Inc. to keep the YouTube video 'on the air' after a takedown challenge for copyright infringement.

HRN 32 Part Two - TWiT Tour, Leo Interview (All 3 parts...). Gary and Cyndi vacationed in the Bay area, including a stop at the TWiT Brickhouse (home of Ham Nation and all the TWiT shows). Gary snagged an interview with Leo, and a tour of the studio. TWiT has since moved to somewhat less picturesque quarters.

HRN Episode 17 - Erin King AK4JG, Young Ham of the Year. Erin has since pretty much disappeared from public eye, but she did get to MIT, and interned on Google's Project Loon.

HRN Episode 14 - Simple Station/Antenna Launching Contest. Field Day Fun and useful instruction.

HRN Episode 12C Part 1 of 3 - Hamvention TOUR - FRIDAY (All 3 parts - Friday, Saturday, Sunday) Jeff AC4ZO and Gary produced an extensive series of "Tour" videos at the 2013 Hamvention.

HRN - Episode 7: DMR Digital Mobile Radio (Pre-Yaesu Edition). This early interview (just Episode 7) got the most complaints of any HRN show, with viewers upset that Gary "wouldn't let his subject talk". 

HRN 303: HamRadioNow2.0 from the HamCation (Katie WY7YL and Jason KC5HWB). This episode, shot in the SIB (Studio In a Booth) in Orlando, was just talk-show fun with Katie and Jason.

HRN 283: A Ham's Night Before Christmas - LIVE on HamRadioNow. How could we not include this version of Gary's legendary Ham Radio Christmas Poem? 

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HRN 399 7/8 ZumSpot setup

Darren and David setup a ZumSpot. We also made some changes in the studio in order to bring you better audio. This is the first episode to use the Wirecast Rendezvous feature, and it worked great!

HRN 399 1/2 CQ Field Day from WA6P

Gwen and David talk about their 2018 Field Day from San Vicente Park in the Santa Monica Mountains. We had a great time at Field Day, and hope that you did too. Please let us know in the comments what you did for Field Day!